About Us
Tod Pod is a free playgroup for babies, toddlers, and pre-school aged children who are accompanied by caregivers. We meet in Bloomington and Richfield, Minnesota.
We offer regular opportunities for kids to play and adults to connect. Here is an overview of our offerings:
Indoor (November-March/April):
Weekly Gym Playdate: 2 hours of open play at an indoor play space. Free. Registration required.
Stroller Walk: Join other families for a lap around Level 1 of Mall of America. Strollers and coffee mugs welcome! Free. Drop-in.
LEGO League: Over 10 weeks, young engineers (age 4-6) work in small teams to complete STEM challenges during weekly sessions. $65 per student. Registration required.
Outdoor (May-October):
Weekly Park Playdate: Up to 2 hours of open play at parks around Bloomington. Free. Drop-in.
Stroller Walk: Join other families with young children on a stroll around Normandale Lake's 1.9 mile-loop. Strollers and coffee mugs welcome! Free. Drop-in.
Community Garden: Open play and gardening opportunities at the Tod Pod Community Garden. Free. Drop-in.
Nature Programs: 1.5 hours of nature programming tailored to preschool age, led by a naturalist. $7-10 program fee. Registration required. Scholarships available for fees; request a scholarship by emailing info@todpod.org.
Annual Events: Themed activities (Halloween, Egg Hunt) that happen once a year. Free. Registration required.
To access the current Tod Pod schedule, please see our Calendar. You can also Sign Up for our Email List to receive weekly updates about events and other community opportunities for young families.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide regular opportunities for families with children from birth through five years old to gather, play, and connect to each other, nurturing a shared experience that instills a sense of belonging in the community. The connections to be made are four-fold: caregivers to their children; caregivers to other caregivers; children to other children, and the entire family to the local community.
Our Vision
Our vision is increased well-being for every family. You are not alone on your parenting journey!
Our Leaders
Tod Pod is led by volunteer parents and caregivers who organize its events, activities, and initiatives. They share a love of children and a deep commitment to the Bloomington community. Read more about our Leadership Team.
Our History
Tod Pod began during the COVID pandemic. Local families were isolated in their homes and separated from loved ones and meeting once a week at the park became a lifeline for our mental health. The kids needed to play and the adults needed to connect!
Tod Pod's first park playdate was September 15, 2020, at Brye Park in Bloomington. We kept meeting once a week and collected new families at every park we visited. By the end of 2020 we were 46 families strong.
The pandemic eventually lifted, but the craving for connection did not. New families continue to join Tod Pod each week, and today we serve 700+ families.
Interested to Learn More?
Check out our FAQ (frequently asked questions)
Check out our Why Playgroups page to learn more about the playgroup approach
Explore ways to support Tod Pod on our Donate page
Contact Us directly with your questions or comments