
Looking to get involved? Here are several ways you can volunteer with Tod Pod and support young families in the process.

One-Time Opportunities

These opportunities involve one-time help with a specific task:

Stroller Walk Captain*
Carry the Tod Pod flag and meet/greet families during a 1-hour stroller walk. Saturday Stroller Walk Signup

Weekend Playdate Host (May-October)
Bring donuts and welcome families at the park for 1-2 hours. Tod Pod holds a Weekend Playdate once a month on a Saturday morning at Valley View Park in Bloomington. 2025 Signup coming soon

Community Garden Helper (May-October)
Commit to a recurring task at the Tod Pod Community Garden (like weed-whipping garden paths or watering plants). Contact garden@todpod.org to learn what tasks are needed and when.

Storytime Leader* (May-October)
Lead 30 minutes of storytime for toddlers and preschool-age children and their caregivers including stories, songs, and movement. Outdoor opportunties at Bloomington and Richfield parks; indoor opportunities in Bloomington. Sign Up Here or contact storytime@todpod.org with questions.

Committee-Level Opportunities

These opportunities involve a longer commitment to do planning work on behalf of Tod Pod. Please email info@todpod.org if you are interested in one of these opportunities:

Welcome Committee*
Help plan quarterly Meet-and-Greet events, make contact with new families, and think of ways to ensure Tod Pod is a welcoming community.

Garden Committee
Help plan the year's Community Garden (planning occurs January-March each year), and be available during the garden season to attend garden meetups and help families get acquainted with the garden space and gardening.

Event Committees*
Tod Pod plans several annual events like our Trunk-or-Treat in October and Egg Hunt in May. Help plan and deliver these events so they are engaging and memorable for families with young children.

Community Center Engagement Committee
Give input on behalf of families with young children during the design phase of the City of Bloomington's new Community Health and Wellness Center, a building that will replace the existing Creekside Community Center by 2027.

*These opportunities involve an application and onboarding process and may include a background check.

Questions About Volunteering with Tod Pod?

Please email info@todpod.org.

Amazon Wish List

You can also support Tod Pod by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List. Serving over 1,000 children, we can always use more bubble concentrate, sidewalk chalk, and tissues!