Everyone was new to Tod Pod once. Here are the most frequently asked questions we receive.
Who can attend Tod Pod?
Tod Pod is for babies, toddlers and pre-school aged children. They can be accompanied by parents, grandparents, nannies or other caregivers. Older siblings (age 6 and older) are welcome, but all events and activities are geared for children birth through five years old.
Read Tod Pod's Inclusion Policy
What happens at a typical playdate?
Families show up anytime during the window of time the playdate is scheduled for. The kids play and the adults connect while supervising their children.
What does it cost?
There is no cost. Tod Pod is a free playgroup for families with children age birth through five years old (older siblings welcome). The only barrier is getting out the door!
Can I drop my kids off?
No. Parents and caregivers come to Tod Pod together with their children.
How many families participate in Tod Pod?
We currently have over 700 families on our email list, but we never have that many at any one event. Anywhere from 10-25 families show up at a typical event.
How do I join Tod Pod?
Sign Up for our Email List. This is how we communicate all Tod Pod events and updates.
The sign-up form asks for personal information. Why?
The information we collect allows us to know exactly who Tod Pod is serving. This includes birthdates for children so we know their ages while participating in the group. We assure you your personal information will be kept confidential, and only anonymous, de-identified information will be reported for grant or funding purposes.
Can I try out Tod Pod before signing up for the email list?
Sure! Please Contact Us to arrange this.
Where do you post the schedule of events and activities?
Please visit our Calendar page. To receive a weekly email with schedule details and updates, please Sign Up for the Email List.
Please visit our Calendar page. To receive a weekly email with schedule details and updates, please Sign Up for the Email List.
Do I have to live in Bloomington or Richfield to join?
No. Tod Pod's events are simply based in these two cities.
I work as a nanny. Can I join Tod Pod?
Yes. Some nannies have permission from the families they work for to sign up on behalf of the family, and some sign up separately from the family themselves. Whatever your family prefers works for us.
Who runs Tod Pod?
Tod Pod has a volunteer board of directors that sets the direction for and organizes the activities of the group. The board engages volunteers and the local community to help with events and activities. More About Tod Pod's Leadership Team
How did Tod Pod start?
Tod Pod began during the COVID pandemic. Local families were isolated in their homes and separated from loved ones and meeting once a week at the park became a lifeline for our mental health. The kids needed to play and the adults needed to connect! Tod Pod's first park playdate was September 15, 2020. We kept meeting once a week and collected new families at every park we visited. The pandemic lifted, but the craving for connection did not. New families continue to join Tod Pod each week, and today we serve 700+ families. More About Us
I still have more questions. Who can I contact?
Please email info@todpod.org and Tara Owens or Ryan Lokken will respond to you.